Sunday, December 11, 2011

Amazing Giveaway on The Crafted Sparrow!!


My friend Becca is having an ABSOLUELY super giveaway on her blog!!! Go and check it out HERE to enter! Plus you should follow her blog The Crafted Sparrow b/c she does so many FABULOUS things you'll LOVE!! 


Friday, September 16, 2011

Ode' to Studying

I spent an amazing cluster of hours learning new photography techniques and even post processing techniques, and and not to mention a brand new photo software (which I now own;) yesterday with the sweetest most talented photographer and woman of God I've been blessed to ever learn from, Stacey Poterson. My new friend you are BRILLIANT and I was honored by your teachings yesterday!!

Sooo... to test out my newest knowledge and software I decided why not capture my sweet husband since he's the only other one up with me at 10p.

Well... I found him as pictured below..."Studying" hahaha poor guy...

This AMAZING fellow is just so busy as of late and to find him conked out during a study session just made me smile and enjoy these few snap shots even more:D 

AJ's Plate:
*Daddy {to 3 adventurous kiddos]
*Teacher (6th grade)
*Coach (JV Volleyball)
*Grad Student {Masters in Prof. Counseling}
*Blog Enthusiast {25 to Life}

I'm just SO proud of him and how well he really is juggling it all! What a GREAT man I have;-)!!!!

Let's give him a little TREAT this weekend for all his hard work and read his blog 25 to Life. He is just so genuinely smart and witty and become a FAN of his Blog fan page HERE!! 

~Thanks Friends and Followers, You Rock!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My sweet Trio

I NEVER have time to blog lately but here's an updated pic of my sweet kiddos at least:)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hair Bows!!

So I'm selling my crafts (have been for a few months) but decided to finally pst some pics online of them...Starting with hair bows and accessories...(next baby items!!) I will soon be posting them to my website and you'll be able to use paypal to order them but for now I can email you an invoice if you'd like to purchase anything and you can still pay through paypal:) Shipping is between $3-$5 depending on how many bows are ordered. I do custom orders right now and make as they are you just tell me the kind of hair clip you want and what colors or themes and I'll make them:)

I make and sell the hair clip storage boards too in any colors and themes...shipping cost is more to ship the boards:)

I also sell the crochet headbands or nilon headbands to go with the bows if you want any. I have the crochet headbands in 1.5 inches thick and 2.75 inches thick:)

 Seasonal Rosette clips

Rosette Boutonniere for Weddings and Special Occaisons (really make a wedding unique and the never wilt;)... you can keep them forever)
**Custom pricing for bulk orders available**

CupCake Bow $5
(more fun shaped bows coming soon)

Ribbon Hat w/ Bow (changes and can be used as cute little purse for kids) $15


 Custom Name Necklaces Ask for pricing:)

Pictures of more bows and people wearing them so you can see size and look:)